Dr. Daryl K. Hoffman presents TOP 10 Skin & fingernail tips for men!

September 28, 2009

10 Skin & fingernail tips for men!

Men’s nails generally grow faster than women’s nails and tend to be stronger. However, their increased surface area makes them prone to trauma from bumps and bangs. Because lot’s of men never really learned how to use their hands and fingernails Dr. Daryl K. Hoffman (US plastic surgeon) compiled a TOP 10 of skin & fingernail tips – for men only!


– 1 –
Do not bite your fingernails. Fingernail biting can break the skin, spread germs to your mouth and hands, and lead to infections. Trim nails with a nail clipper, instead!”

– 2 –
“Apply sunscreen everyday, especially if you work outdoors. Sunscreen will protect you from UV rays, that will age and weather your skin, and can lessen the harsh effect of the wind on your face!”

– 3 –
“Use moisturizer after shaving. This will soothe and smooth out your skin!”

– 4 –
“If you are losing your hair, opt for a shorter haircut. Going short can disguise balding, and makes you look much younger than the old-fashioned comb-over!”

– 5 –
“Make sure your face is clean. Men’s skin is about 15% oilier than women’s, and has larger pores. This means it is even more important to wash your face everyday. Stay away from harsh scrubs and scented soaps as they might irritate your skin!”

– 6 –
“Use a skin toner, like aftershave lotion, to reduce the size of your pores. This will help keep your skin looking younger and healthier!”

– 7 –
“Antioxidants are great for your skin. You do not need to get them from supplements; eating fruits and vegetables, like oranges and spinach, everyday will help reduce signs of aging!”

– 8 –
“Exfoliating once a week will minimize ingrown hairs, rid you of dead skin cells, and help give your face a cleaner, fresher look!”

– 9 –
“Do not forget about your lips. Use a lip balm with at least SPF 15 to protect them from sun-damaging, drying out, and cracking!”

– 10 –
“Drink eight glasses of water everyday. It is the best way to keep the skin all over your body hydrated!”

Dr. Daryl K. Hoffman - San Jose plastic surgeon

Dr. Hoffman is a Stanford University trained certified plastic surgeon – accridited by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Hoffman utilizes the latest advances in cosmetic procedures to help people achieve their body care goals. Dr. Hoffman is committed to providing his clients with personalized care in a warm atmosphere with the highest regard for quality and medical safety.


Hands, skin & fingernails: an encyclopedia!
The basics of medical hand analysis!
Your health is in your hands!
10 Tips for women: how to grow beautiful fingernails!

2 Responses to “Dr. Daryl K. Hoffman presents TOP 10 Skin & fingernail tips for men!”

  1. cumar Says:

    i always see some oil in my skin what to do

    • yourfingernails Says:

      Hello cumar,

      Interesting question, but I am wondering: is it oil? Or is it other body moisture? Maybe sweat?

      Hopefully you can specify your qestion a little bit more!

      Greetings from The Netherlands,


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